An installation of lightpanel murals created for Burning Man and the British Library
Crossroads of Curiosity was made possible by the teamwork of many.
Paintings and Concept
created by:
David Normal
Design and Engineering:
Max Hunter, Erik Kneer, and Andrew Spalding.
Construction and Fabrication:
Max Hunter, Andrew Spalding, Blazej Mikulicz, Robbie Schneider, Kris Peterson, Rich Szpigiel, Filomena Barberio, April Lelia, and Stefan Bouchareb.
British Library Team:
Mahendra Mahey, Richard Warren, and Claire Robe.
Duilio Marconi, Max Hunter, Fabio Affuso,
and Filomena Barberio
Special Thanks:
Larry Harvey and Roly Keating
Crossroads of Curiosity Installation at the British Library was made possible by the generous support of:
Friends of the British Library, Eccles Centre for American Studies, Burning Man Global Arts Grants Program, and private donations from Kathrynand Lewis Shepherd, and Michael Sertic.