An installation of lightpanel murals created for Burning Man and the British Library
The Crossroads of Curiosity is what the artist, David Normal, has dubbed "An Epic Suite" of paintings. Comprised of four individual paintings, together they are "epic" in the sweep of inter-related themes. Though the originals were created at a size of (roughly) 1 x 2.5 m (3' x 8') the finished work is presented at a size of 2.5 x 6 m (8' x 20'). The imposing size of the finished work is part of what gives it an epic quality.
Below are the four paintings: "Ostrischizocracy", "Purcogitoresque", "Conflamingulation", and "Curioscillotropy". These four paintings begun as collages composed exclusively from the British Library's online collection of 19th Century Book Illustrations
often referred to as "The Million Image Release". The collages were made in Adobe Photoshop and then printed out at a scale of 3' x 8' onto polypropylene backlit media (a signmaker's medium). The feintly printed collages were painted over with acrylic paints. The finished color paintings were printed out in sections to equal a scale of 2.5 x 6 m (8' x 20'). The large displays are lightboxes composed of 13 mm (1/2") Plexiglas and framed in redwood beams.
The Crossroads of Curiosity was first displayed at Burning Man 2014 and is on display at the British Library from June 20 - Nov. 8th 2015.
"Ostrischizocracy", Acrylic on Polypropylene, 91 x 243 cm, 2014
"Purcogitoresque", Acrylic on Polypropylene, 91 x 243 cm, 2014
"Conflamingulation", Acrylic on Polypropylene, 91 x 243 cm, 2014
"Curioscillotropy", Acrylic on Polypropylene, 91 x 243 cm, 2014
About the Paintings
"Ostrischizocracy", Digital Collage, 20 x 50 cm, 2014
"Purcogitoresque", Digital Collage, 20 x 50 cm, 2014
"Conflamingulation", Digital Collage, 20 x 50 cm, 2014
"Curioscillotropy", Digital Collage, 20 x 50 cm, 2014